ClientRange of workspromotional/re-branding materials Individual projects carried out in Poland Packaging and shipmentDo you need support? We are at your service!
naturoBank – rebranding
ClientRebranding of SGB Bank Spółdzielczy Ziemi Piotrkowskiej as naturoBankThe process of transforming all the elements associated with the SGB brand began with a review of the previous marketing and advertising activities carried out by Bank Spółdzielczy Ziemi...
Muchowiecka Apartments
ClientRebranding of the Muchowiecka Apartments brandThe rental property industry does not have the best reputation, so for Muchowiecka we decided to change that! We created all the elements needed to build a strong yet friendly brand. A logo and CI were created. Then,...
Speciały Regionu – Branding
ClientA brand built on the region's assetsThe aim of our work was to effectively promote regional goat milk products and cold-pressed oils with "Quality and Tradition" certificates. We created the Specjały Regionu brand, obtained the EU funding for it and planned...
Wielkopolska Marshal Office
ClientCreating brand of WielkopolskaWe were delighted to realize the project for UMWW under the name of "Marek Wielkopolski". We have been tasked with building a brand that communicates the state of the art and business. The project with the new logo included...
Still Poland „ Lion inside”
ClientRange of worksLi-ion communication concept campaign logo landing page, on-line communication for poland, russian, slovak B2B customer conferenceDo you need support? We are at your service!
ClientRange of worksdeveloping a communication strategy brand logo communication materials information campaign materiał brandingDo you need support? We are at your service!
Swiss Krono
ClientRange of workswprowadzenie na rynek nowego produktu kreacja materiałów (katalogi, broszury) strona www oraz materiały on-line materiały wspierające sprzedażDo you need support? We are at your service!
ClientVOX - Shopping + excitementTargi VOX są organizowane od kilkunastu lat dla klientów oraz partnerów franczyzowych sieci VOX oraz Majster Plus. Cele to prezentacja rynkowych nowości, pogłębienie więzi handlowych i działania wizerunkowe. Byliśmy organizatorem 3...
Ichemad Profarb
ClientRange of workskoncepcja i projekty katalogów wydawnictwa na rynki zagraniczne sesje fotograficzne strona www i działania on-lineDo you need support? We are at your service!